Cap City Chaos Co-Ed Slo-pitch Tournament Rules:

Playing Field

Strike Mat/Home Plate: Each playing field will require the use a 22”x40” Strike Mat. Any legally delivered pitch (6’-12’ arc) that touches any part of the strike mat shall be considered a strike. A ball that does not hit the strike mat shall be deemed a ball.

Bases Measurements: 65 Feet in distance.

Mound Measurement: 50 Feet in distance from home plate.

Commitment Line: A line in foul territory, drawn approximately 20 feet from the left corner of strike mat (closest to third base), perpendicular to the third base line.

Safety Line: A line is drawn in foul territory that is equal with the left corner of the strike mat (closest to third base).


Bats: (Tentative)

- We will follow the 2021 SPN bat policies.

- NON-APPROVED BATS: The batter is out and ejected from the game if he enters the batter’s area with an illegal bat

- All legal bats will have the USSSA compliance mark

Balls: Worth Hot Dot Classic Plus Optic - 12"/.52 COR/275lbs/Red Stitch

Cleats: NO metal cleats allowed.

Masks: Pitching and Fielding masks are encouraged but not required.


Starting The Game

Round Robin - Teams will determine who has home game by a coin toss.

Playoffs/Championship – Home team will be determined by highest seed during round robin play.

All players eligible (players listed on rosters) to play in a game must be listed on the line-up card submitted to the umpire prior to the start of the game. Substitution must also be listed on the line-up card for each of the participating teams.

- Failure to list a player on the line-up card submitted to the umpire results in the player being ineligible to play in the game.


In the round robin, all regulation games are 6 innings or 1 hour, whichever comes first.

Playoff games are 7 innings. (Try to stay within given time slot)

Championship games are 7 innings.

Mercy Rule: 12 run rule after 5 complete innings. (This applies to both round robin and playoffs).

10-minute grace period for teams that are tardy. This time starts from the schedule game time if no previous game overlaps.

The Game: If the game is tied after 6 innings, during a round robin play:

- Games will end in a tie

- Each team will be awarded one point

The Game: If the game is tied after 7 innings, during a playoff play:

- International rules for breaking a tie will be used.

- The last batter of the previous inning will be placed on second base

- The extra inning will begin with 1 out.

- This will occur until there is a winner.

A game stopped due to weather or other circumstances will be considered complete, if five full innings have been played.


A game will be declared a forfeit when a team fails to field the minimum number of girls and guys prior or during the game.

If a team refuses to continue the game after a suspension of play, intentionally tries to delay or hasten the game, or intentionally violates a rule of the game.

If a team fails to appear upon the field, or being on the field, refuses to begin the game for which it has been scheduled, at the time the game was assigned.

If after a game has begun a team refuses to play or resume play as directed by the umpire.

If an ejected player does not leave the ball park area within 3 minutes of being ordered to.

- Any forfeited game will be awarded by a score of 12-0 to the non-offending team.


A team requires a minimum of three (3) girls on defence in order to field 10 positions.

At no time during the game, should a team have a Girl/Girl, Pitcher/Catcher combo. Pitcher/Catcher combos must be one of the following:

▪ Girl / Guy ▪ Guy / Girl ▪ Guy / Guy

The Rover can play either an infield or outfield position.

A team must have a minimum of nine (9) players to start and complete a game, which must include one of the following: 6 Guys & 3 Girls OR 5 Guys & 4 Girls. If at any time during a game, a team has less than nine (9) players, the game is forfeited, and the opposing team is awarded the game.

- If a team is unable to field the minimum number of guys (7) or the minimum number of girls (3), then they will be required to take an OUT at the bottom of the line-up where the 7th guy and/or 3rd girl is supposed to bat.

A team can only have a maximum of 12 players in their game line-up. All extra players must be listed as a substitution:

- 8 Guys Maximum can be listed on your game line-up (if you have 8 guys then you can only have 4 girls).
- 6 Girls Maximum can be listed on your game line-up (if you have 6 girls then you can only have 6 guys).

All players listed in your game line-up are required to bat – NO Designated Hitters allowed.


- The players in the starting line-up may be substituted for and may subsequently be re-entered once

- A starting player, if re-entered, must occupy the same position in the batting order.

- The starting player and the substitute cannot be in the line-up at the same time.

All other SPN – section 7 rules will apply.

Batting Order *

There is no restrictions on your batting lineup. The batting order can be presented with all males at the top/females at the bottom or females at the top/males at the bottom.


All teams are required to submit rosters. Only players listed on their roster are eligible to play for their team during the tournament. Players are not required to play any round robin games in order to play in the playoffs/championship, if they are listed on the roster.

- No borrowing of players from other teams. However, if the opposing team allows it, then they will be able to play the game (round robin games only; this will not be allowed during playoffs/championship).

- A team caught using an illegal player (someone not listed on their roster) without the opposing team allowing it, will result in a forfeit loss.

- A second offence will result in the team being removed from the tournament.

If a team loses a player due to injury or ejection and they have no substitutions, then they will be required to take an OUT where that player is supposed to bat in the line-up. Unless a team started with only nine (9) players, then the game is forfeited and the opposing team is awarded the game.


To Score: A base runner must cross the Safety Line (a portion of the foot over the line and on the ground). It is a force play at home plate and the catcher must have contact with the Strike Mat when receiving the throw. The runner is out if he touches the strike mat whether a play is being made.

A base runner must continue towards home plate once one foot is over (and on the ground) past the Commitment Line.

To avoid collision and/or injury, all plays at home plate must be made by the defensive player(s) touching the strike mat in an attempt to get the offensive runner out. NO TAGGING OUT THE RUNNER if they are past the commitment line.

Run Rule: A team can score a maximum of 5 runs per inning before recording three outs. The 7th inning is open with no run rule; teams will continue to bat until they record three outs or score enough runs to win the game or enough runs for the mercy rule to take effect.

If the umpire declares an inning as being the last inning of the game (due to time constraints or other reasons) then that inning will be open with no run rule.


Due to time restrictions, only 5 practice pitches are allowed in the first inning only (unless a new pitcher has entered)

The pitch is delivered with an underhand motion in the style of lob pitching. There must be a 6-12 foot arc at the highest point of the lob pitch from the point the pitch leaves the pitchers hand to the point the pitch reaches the batter.

No pitch is declared by the umpire if the pitcher pitches:

- During a dead ball. The ball is dead after a strike is called. (Runners may not advance).

- Before the batter and/or umpire are ready.

- There was not an arc of 6-12 feet on the pitch and the batter did not swing at the pitch.

- Pitchers are required to pitch from at least the pitcher’s mound line (50 feet) or beyond to a maximum of ten (10) feet beyond the pitcher’s mound (60
feet). Umpire’s discretion will be used.



Batters start the count 1 ball and 1 strike for ALL GAMES.

All batters must start with both feet within the length of the strike mat. After the pitch is thrown, the batter is free to move anywhere. They can have one or both feet outside the length of the strike mat.

- Keep in mind, if the batter is all over the place (in or out of imaginary batter’s box), umpire will use their discretion, and the batter will be called out.

If the batter steps on the strike mat to hit the ball, they will be called out.

A strike is a legally pitched ball that makes contact with the strike mat, any pitched ball swung at and missed by the batter, or a batted ball that is ruled foul.


- If a girl batter is walked, then they are granted second base; Regardless of the COUNT and number of OUTS recorded.

- If a guy batter is walked, then they are granted first base; Regardless of the COUNT and number of OUTS recorded.

- If a guy is walked to get to a girl, the girl has the option to take a walk (1st) or hit. Guy remains at second base.
NOTE: If a Girl opts to take a free walk, they will only be granted 1st base.

Infield fly rule

- Since the purpose is to prevent double plays, the rule applies only when there are fewer than two outs and there is a force play at third base (i.e., there are runners at first and second base or the bases are loaded). In these situations, if a fly ball is in fair play and in the umpire’s judgement it is catchable by an infielder with ordinary effort, the umpire shall call “infield fly” and the batter will be out regardless of whether the ball is actually caught in flight. Umpires must signal to everyone that the rule is in effect.

- If “infield fly” is called and the fly ball is caught, it is treated exactly as an ordinary fly ball; the batter is out, there is no force, and the runners must tag up. On the other hand, if “infield fly” is called and the ball lands fair without being caught, the batter is still out and there is no force, but the runners are not required to tag up. In either case, the ball is considered “live” and the runners may advance at the risk of being doubled off if the ball is caught.

Foul tip – any ball fouled back to the catcher and caught will be recorded as an out regardless of height achieved by foul tip.

Third strike foul rule: If a batter hits a foul ball with two strikes the batter is automatically out.

The umpire rules batted balls fair (batter and runners may advance) or foul (a strike).

Bunting and/or Chopping the ball is not allowed. Any violation will be called out.

A batter is out, and the ball is dead and/or no runners may advance if:

- He has three strikes.

- He illegally bats the ball. Bunting and/or Chopping the ball.

- He enters the batter’s box with an illegal bat.

Home Runs

Over the fence home runs are allowed. Home Run rule is plus TWO (+2). Any additional home runs

hit will be counted as an OUT. In the park Home Runs will not count against you.

- NOTE: At no time, can a team exceed more than 2 home runs more (+) than the opposing team.
* EX: Team 1 hits two HR’s in the top of the first inning. Team 2 can hit a max of 4 to gain (+) 2. Team 1 is restricted until team 2 hits a homerun.

If a ball goes off a player and over the fence, it will be considered a 4 base error and not a home run.

7th Inning and/or the last inning is not open home runs.

If a player hits a homerun, they can walk it off.

Base Running

There is no leading off prior to a pitched ball being swung at or until it hits the ground/mat. Any violation will be called out.

The batter may proceed around the bases when the ball is hit fair.

Sliding is allowed - First, Second Base and Third Base ONLY. If you slide at Home, you will be called out.

There is no stealing. Any violation will be called out.

A runner is out, and the ball is dead if:

- On a pitched ball, he/she leaves the base before the ball being swung at and/or before it hits the ground.

- He/She fails to return to his base following a halt in play.

- He/She is hit by a batted ball in fair territory. If He/She is hit by a batted ball while standing on a base, they are NOT out.

Base Runners can be thrown out at any base from outfielders.

If the ball rolls or is thrown out of play, the runner is awarded one (1) base only (whichever base the runner(s) occupied at the time of the throw); regardless of where the ball was thrown (outfield or infield).

Courtesy Runner

Three (3) courtesy runners may be used during any game (round robin or playoffs).

Same runner(s) cannot be used in a game.

Guy for guy, girl for girl.

Playoffs Seeding

Teams overall playoff standings will be determined by:

- Overall record (Wins & Losses)

- Plus/Minus

Tie breakers will be determined by:

- Total runs against;

- Total runs for;

- Coin Flip

All Playoff/Championship home game will be determined by overall round robin standings.

2024 Tournament Rules